Today I will show you how to shape and fill in your eyebrows. You will need the following:
Small scissors
Facial razor (optional)
Spooly brush
Eyebrow powder or pencil
Brow Definer brush
First Step: Brush brows up with spooly brush. If hairs are long you can use the small scissors to cut the hairs.
Second Step: Before tweezing find the perfect shape of the brow by taking the end of the spooly brush and laying it against the side of the nose to find where the brow should begin. It may be helpful to mark this area with an eyeliner pencil.
{follow the next three pictures to demonstrate how to find the perfect shape of your brows}
Next lay the spooly brush on the edge of the nose at an angle, following the angle through the pupil to find
your perfect arch.
Last angle the spooly brush at the end of your eye to find the perfect end point to your brow. It may be helpful to mark this area with an eyeliner pencil.
Third Step: This is the time that you would want tweeze any stray hairs starting below the brow following your perfect shape that you created using the spooly brush. Try to avoid tweezing above the brow. I use a facial razor to remove hairs in between brows.
Fourth Step: To fill in brows use either a pencil or a powder. I use the Brow Sculpting powder & wax from my cosmetics line along with my Brow Definer brush.
Using the Brow Definer brush the powder from the beginning to the end of the brow paying attention to the arch. After you have filled in the brow with the powder, next dip your brush into the wax and brush along the brow to set the powder.
Fifth Step: Set your eyebrows with a Brow Scultping Gel in clear.
And that's it, your perfect eyebrow!!
Here is my Before & After, you can see my eyebrow on the right is filled in.
And the After. All filled in and ready to go!
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Also, I am available for eyebrow shaping and consultations,
you can email me at
you can email me at
to set up an appointment.